Atonement, Justice, and Peace: A Baptist-Anabaptist Conversation

Darrin W Snyder Belousek & Respondents | Tuesday, 16th June 2015

On May 31 last year, Dr Darrin Belousek joined members of the Anabaptist Association of Australia and New Zealand (AAANZ) and guests for a day-conference exploring themes presented in his book Atonement, Justice, and Peace: The Message of the Cross and the Mission of the Church.

Dr Belousek’s talks, based on various parts of his book, explored the subject of atonement, in particular the controversial subject of penal substitutionary atonement. His talks were each followed by short responses by Baptist and Anabaptist scholars—Dr Graeme Chatfield, Dr Anthony Petersen, Matthew Anslow, and Dr David Starling.

The talks, including the responses, are linked below. The responses, having been edited in light of the conversations that occurred at the symposium, have also been compiled and published in the most recent issue of the Pacific Journal of Baptist Research.

Three additional talks have also been included, which were given by Dr Belousek at a gathering the day after the conference. Here Belousek explores issues broader than penal substitution, including reconciliation (1), economic and criminal justice (2), and peace and war (3). To download the files, it may be necessary to right-click the download links.


Lecture 1—Jesus’ Death and Christian Tradition: Ancient Creeds and Trinitarian Theology
Response: Dr Graeme Chatfield—PhD (Bristol, UK); Baptist Minister; former lecturer in Church History at Morling College; Visiting Adjunct Professor in Church History and Historical Theology at TCMI Institute (Austria & Eastern Europe); Associate Dean, Australian College of Theology.


Lecture 2—Jesus’ Death and the Old Testament: Atoning Sacrifice and the Suffering Servant
Response: Dr Anthony Petersen—Lecturer in Old Testament and Hebrew at Morling College; Baptist Minister; PhD (Queen’s University Belfast); Author of Behold Your King: The Hope for the House of David in the Book of Zechariah.


Lecture 3—Jesus’ Death and the Synoptic Gospels: New Exodus and New Covenant
Response: Matthew Anslow—Educator for TEAR Australia; undertaking PhD on Jesus’ prophetic vocation in Matthew’s Gospel (Charles Sturt University/United Theological College); Anabaptist; editor of On The Road.


Lecture 4—Jesus’ Death and the Pauline Epistles: ‘Mercy Seat’ and Place-Taking
Response: Dr David Starling—Lecturer in New Testament and Theology at Morling College; PhD (University of Sydney, thesis published as Not My People: Gentiles as Exiles in Pauline Hermeneutics); Baptist Minister.



Talk 1—Shame For Us: The Cross of Christ in the Drama of Reconciliation


Talk 2—What is Just?: Repayment in Kind, the King of God and the Cross of Christ


Talk 3—All Things New: Christ, Cross, and Creation


Dr Darrin W Snyder Belousek is Lecturer in Philosophy and Religion at Ohio Northern University and in Religion at Bluffton University. He has published many articles, both scholarly and popular, in diverse areas: theology, consistent ethic of life, war and peace, social justice, ethics and economics, science and religion, and philosophy of science (subject of his Doctoral Thesis; he also has a degree in physics). He has recently published, Good News: The Advent of Salvation in the Gospel of Luke. A Mennonite, he has served for seven years in mission assignments through voluntary service and international teaching.